Solution and story

Welcome to the Solution and story phase of your bid toolkit.

This phase of activity focuses on designing the service delivery model and using storyboarding to develop your responses.

Stage Objectives

  • Design the service delivery model

  • Develop response storyboards

  • Refine the commercial strategy

Quality Submission Objectives 

  1. Development Service Delivery Model

  2. Organisation charts developed

  3. Develop response storyboards

  4. Agree tender queries

Commercial Submission Objectives 

  1. Develop pricing / resourcing model

  2. How will the solution deliver value for money for the client?



 Key Steps







Critical Success Factors

  • Don’t rush straight to writing!

  • Think it through together as a team

  • A structured methodical approach

  • Clarity on winning solution / delivery team

  • Good facilitation

  • Enough time and commitment

  • Appropriate people allocated

Top Tops

  • Read the tender documents thoroughly

  • All authors to understand the specification / service requirements – enabling identification of added value or ‘exceeded expectations’

  • Take the time to storyboard responses thoroughly and with the right people in the room

  • Break down questions and scoring criteria and use component parts as headings / signposting

  • Agree commercial impact of T&Cs


A suite of templates and tools to support your tender

Our paid tools are designed to support your activity throughout the bid phases and help you to submit an engaging and compliant bid to your client.

Our Solution and Story file pack contains a 25% Solution and storyboard review meeting pack, a story-boarding template to help kick start your efforts, and a bid template.

Training Video

Ready to learn more?

The Solution & Story training module is delivered online and has been curated by bidding experts, giving you real world insights in to the bid process that you can access any time, anywhere.

To view the training video simply click the ‘rent’ button (top right below). This will take you to our Vimeo On Demand page where you will be able to rent and watch this training module or the full course.