Review & Finalise

Welcome to the Review & Finalise phase of the bid toolkit.

This phase of the bid process focuses on reviewing your document and seeing what improvements can be made to take it from a set of good responses to a winning submission.

Stage Objectives

An appropriate independent panel to review the document to date to identify gaps, omissions, and scope for improvement.

Quality Submission Objectives 

  1. Independent review of quality response document from the client’s perspective

  2. Provide constructive feedback on how the bid team could improve the bid document

  3. Resolve and close out issues / weak areas of the submission

Commercial Submission Objectives 

  1. ‘Top down’ independent review of the populated pricing model from the client’s perspective – will it win?



 Key Steps




Critical Success Factors

  • Information distributed prior to meetings

  • Appropriate meeting facilities booked in advance

  • Right people in the room

  • Copies of drafts printed and ready for mark up

  • Strategy and original storyboards printed / on the walls

  • All attendees to have read storyboards and draft responses ahead of review meeting

  • A focus on positive challenge

  • Robust and constructive feedback

Top Tops

  • Mobilise the review team and diarise review meetings at the beginning of bid

  • Response document needs to be a minimum of 85% complete for the ‘85% review meeting’

  • Appropriate bid sponsor, independent reviewers from outside the bid team and supply-chain representatives allocated to the Review Team

  • Nominate someone to record / capture agreed actions

  • Warm up senior attendees in advance of meetings (e.g brief them on the opportunity and the approach taken)


A suite of templates and tools to support your tender

Our paid tools are designed to support your activity throughout the bid phases and help you to submit an engaging and compliant bid to your client.

Our Review and Finalise file pack contains meeting packs for the 60% First draft review meeting and the 85% Second draft review meeting.

These meeting packs take you through agendas for your meetings to ensure you drive quality and governance on your submission.


Training Video

Ready to learn more?

The Review & Finalise training module is delivered online and has been curated by bidding experts, giving you real world insights in to the bid process that you can access any time, anywhere.

To view the training video simply click the ‘rent’ button (top right, below). This will take you to our Vimeo On Demand page where you will be able to rent and watch this training module or the full course.